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2 Okt 2009

OLED Television

By Jean Bowie

OLED televisions are possibly the next generation televisions heading our way. Recent times have seen the home cinema experience revolutionized firstly by plasma and LCD TVs. The hot technology of the moment is LED television. But what is next in the pipeline, well Sony's next generation display is the OLED television.

With the advances of the viewing experience given to us by LCD and plasmas displays it is hard to perceive that the market could be revolutionized by the emergence on OLED displays, but the benefits that come along with OLED displays are set to do just that. With super light and thin displays that are flexible whilst maintaining their crystal clear definition, the improvements are astounding.

OLED (short for organic light emitting diodes) TVs and displays, are constructed from a grid of transistors that make up a thin layer to for the pictures that are displayed on the screen, and because they are organic they are friendly to the environment also. They have many positives over its rivals, mainly the improvement in picture quality, plus a host of new features and the added benefit that they consume far less electricity than their LCD and plasma equivalents because they do not require to be backlit. All this from a display that not only has flexible qualities but is only millimetres thick.

The first OLED monitors are being made by Sony and Samsung SDI, but mainly Sony is leaving a big punch into the market. These televisions do not stop at just crystal clear entertainment, but also they carry onto the workplace. There are many features in this device that works great with any job and in any presentation which will blow your coworkers away. This OLED monitor is an amazing ten millimetres thin and can completely bend. There is even a prototype of a television made by Sony that is 0.9 millimetres thick.

This television just comes to show us how fast and how far we are travelling in the world of electronics. The screen is much more amazing then other LCD, Plasma, or LED televisions combined. It produces a much better glow and quality that will send jaws to the floor. The sizes of the television are going to be coming out at smaller sizes for the meantime. This is because Sony believes that the picture and concept alone will draw much more business than any other television on the market. It is that remarkable. Of course over time you will see much larger OLED television sets. There is rumour that a seventy inch television set is being devolved and is in prototype as you are reading this.

OLED actually stands for organic light emitting diodes, basic technology behind the stunning picture quality that we are beginning to see. With the latest LED televisions and displays already producing super high quality pictures it is hard to believe that OLED displays are set to eclipse what we are seeing. But this new form of display is set to take over the home and workplace cementing itself in both the home entertainment and computing worlds, with stunning high quality displays and ease of use.

The question that many are asking is when are these OLED televisions going to be released? You can expect to see them this year manufactured by Sony and then later followed by Samsung. The OLED television is only going to be thirteen inches, but this is only the beginning for the world of advanced entertainment.

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