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14 Okt 2009

Data Security is Key to Business Communications

By Graham McKenzie

As any businessman knows, the ability to store data in his office is very important. It is vital to keep this data secure as it contains confidential information and the policies of the business. If business data gets into the wrong hands, it could cause immeasurable damage to the business including complete collapse.

The reasons for protecting the data from falling into wrong hands are clear. Though the means to gain the data illegally have improved, the means to protect the data has also improved. The computers have become the main stay for any business. Everyone uses them to store the data that might be important to them. This is why software that can protect the data from being accessed by unauthorized people must be installed. Such software includes the ones like anti-hacking, anti-spyware, antivirus, etc.

The next tool that has become a part of any business organization is the telephone. It?s through the telephone that most information is shared nowadays. So, even the telephones have to be secured from external interference to prevent people listening to the information that is being shared between you and the receiver. One of the recent trends in the data protection is the VoIP technology. VoIP is similar to any normal telephone, except that it has many advanced and better features that help the secure information transfer. Such a technological tool can help make any business better and competent. Through VoIP, you can place long distance calls at a much lower price and many more features, which will be quite expensive, if present in normal telephones. VoIP provides services like the audio and video conferencing, call waiting, three-way calling, text messaging, and many other additional features, free of cost.

These additional benefits are making many businessmen switch over to VoIP, from their normal telephones. VoIP makes this possible, by using the route of internet for providing these additional benefits. This is what makes all of these free of cost. Although many additional features are provided by the VoIP service, the audio signal?s quality is not reduced, as it VoIP also transmits the audio signals, using the same principle as the regular telephone.

This is a great improvement over conventional phone communication when making long distance phone calls. VoIP is constantly being improved and these innovations are being integrated into the technology making VoIP an important player in business communication. Users who have access to Wi-Fi networks can now use wireless VoIP to make any call. Because of this utility, Wi-Fi phones have increased in usage greatly.

Wi-Fi also offers a firewall for your phone which further ensures your security. Encryption devices are also available. These options are easily attainable and will reassure you that no one can get access to your private telephone calls.

When businesses are considering VoIP Wi-Fi phones, they should consider phones which employ privacy features and encryption technology. While the cost of these type phones may be higher, the added advantage of having protected communication is well worth the benefit. Safe and secure information is crucial to the success of any business. Putting safeguards in place to protect data and communication is an essential way to stay safe and maintain a healthy business.

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