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27 Okt 2009

Cell Phones And 24 Hour Availability

By Dan Williams

Are you sure that you really want to be available for everyone to call you 24 hours a day? I know I do not. I will never forget when the power company called to pitch me their new averaging payment plan while I was standing at the copier at work! I was so mad. As the cliche goes; the more you make yourself available, the more available everyone will expect you to be. People will get mad when they can not reach you once you have a cell phone. I can not tell you how many times I have heard someones cell phone ring while they are in a public bathroom.

In society today, cell phones are everywhere. People talk on cell phones everywhere which is really annoying. Like waiting in line at the grocery store and the bagger has asked the lady in front of you if she wants paper or plastic but she is too busy having some menial conversation to even hear the guy. Get off your cell phone and answer the bagger and stop holding up the check out line! I hate cell phones.

Cell phone users need to get some manners. How many times have you been in a restaurant only to have two or three people talking on their cell phones all around your table? You want to say, please get off your cell phone so I can enjoy my meal! People talk loud also. Where is the concept of privacy and not wanting strangers to hear your conversation? They talk loud as if they want everyone around them to see and hear them talking on their phones! People are self centered by nature. Sort of like if they do not see the guy staring at them and listening to their conversation then he does not exist. People do not care about disturbing other people with their loud and menial phone conversations.

Cell phone users need to learn cell phone etiquette. A cell phone should never be used at work or in public places unless someone is dying or something. I mean how many times have you gone up to a co-worker to talk business and they are talking on their cell phone about a non-business issue and you have to stand there and wait until they are done with their personal conversation? How dare you slow down my productivity at work. Makes me want to go to the boss and complain.

My favorite are the people who bring cell phones in to church. Talk about disrupting service. One cell phone rings and everyone stops listening to what is going and starts digging in their things and checking to see if it is their cell phone that is ringing. How would you like to be up on stage in front of a hundred people performing and then suddenly everyone turns away and starts looking for their cell phone? It is very rude. I also hate it when the spirit starts to move in church as people lift their hands up and begin singing and praising God and then a cell phone rings and everyone stops praising God and starts digging in their pockets and purses to see if their cell phone is ringing. Never be so selfish as to bring a cell phone into a place of worship.

Young guys who are going through their James Dean, rebel without a cause stage, like to ignore the request at the start of a movie to turn off their cell phones. I will never forget one guy who not only had his cell phone ring during the movie, but sat there and talked on it! His phone even had a bright light up panel that could be seen three aisles back! I flicked a piece of popcorn at his head.

When traveling and if you are on-board an aircraft, you will be required to turn off your phone. This is because electronics devices may interfere with the aircraft's avionics. Thus, it is a requirement to turn of your phone for safety reasons. However, for extremely long flights, airline companies allow cell phone usage at a certain time, if you really need to make a phone call, use this time allotted if necessary.

Cell phones have become a way of life. Cell phone companies continue to work more and more functionality into cell phones in order to stay competitive. But new technology does not give you a license to be rude. Get out of your self centered ways by turning your phone off when in public places.

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